
Day11--Day12--Day13--Day14--Day15--Day16 Day17 Day18 Day19



Day 13

Oh that was so funny, and then I said "but that's what chickens do!" and the crowd fell about laughing. CRASH! Ouch that hurt. Where did the pub go? Where's the hangover from hell that I was expecting?

My body had finally given in and fallen off the chair. The HAT had rolled away and was lying in the corner of the room. Slowly I recognised my surroundings realising I'd lost time while enjoying experimenting with the HAT. I felt strangely revitalised, fresh and ready for a new day. My body was very stiff from sitting for so long and now my head hurt from falling forwards off the chair hitting the mirror. Was their plan to distract me while they took over E36, damn, I mean Earth? Well I had plenty of time to think about it while laying on the floor gradually flexing my back.

After a few hours I was pacing the room, sore but at least moving. Must remember to be more careful. I still couldn't decide if they were genuinely helping us or they were hiding the scary truth. Were we just being used to build the food factories for them? The obviously had the power to destroy us but I still hadn't actually seen an alien. Maybe they don't have any physical presence but surely they could control machines to build instead of humans. Maybe humans are cheaper labour.

I had to decide how much I liked the HAT and a possible short happy life under their control. I needed more facts, more time to think it through. So many changes had already happened that maybe it's not even reversible. I had to sabotage one of the food processing systems to delay the colleges arrival. But how? And then there was the second sphere. What did that contain? Good, bad, was the HAT good or bad, had to decide. If it's good and the second sphere was also good this could be a really great day. Bad then I wasn't the right person to touch it. Being the easily scared person I am, I decided to find out later the contents of the second sphere.

My focus moved to finding out where I was and how to get to wherever it was I wanted to go. Hmmm. With no obvious door to this float room I tied the bed sheets together then one end to the bed frame and tossed the rest out of the window. Hey it worked in those late night movies I spent many a drunk time watching so why not for me. After much fighting with the mattress it was through the window laying on the beach below. Looking out it seemed such a remote location, who knows how long I would have to travel til I reached, what's left of civilization, so I threw everything else out except that damn HAT and the remaining sphere. After a slight fall from the bottom of the sheets I was on the sand. I was on the run. Me and my trusty partners of a chair and a mirror. Not even antique ones. Actually quite strange ones. The mirror laying in the sand still had the reflection of the room unchanged. The bed unstripped, the chair in the right surrounds for a chair, unlike the one next to me laying on it's side with one leg stuck in the sand. DOH! I've found the door!.


Day11--Day12--Day13--Day14--Day15--Day16 Day17 Day18 Day19