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Day 5

The assembly of our pollination hives on the ice caps is nearing completion, we can soon start to build our incubation hubs and the subjects have fallen in to line as expected. Everything is running to schedule and we have encountered very little resistance. We do have one current anomaly, one subject located on the southern edge of the island known as England is showing slight forms of resistance to our development that other subjects around the resource have responded well to. We will observe this subjects behaviour and its actions; we already know what it wants and what it's looking for. Let us observe before increasing the development of this rogue subject, we will allow the subject free thought and movement. We our curious why this subject is resisting, this is a strange effect when the entire population of a resource has accepted the development, we will understand in true course and time.

Our responding subjects are receiving development teachings and have welcomed this new knowledge and are showing little signs of mental resistance or fatigue.

Other life forms in this region have been weaker and have suffered at this stage of development. They have simply been unable to open their minds to broaden their views and concepts and our development has filled their brains to capacity leaving very little space for vital life functions. We have yet to see this with our new subjects, but I am expecting to see signs when we increase the development, each increase in development will result in more subjects becoming saturated with knowledge and we will see both mental and physical retardation and degradation within the subjects. It will be interesting to see how our increase in development will affect our rogue!

Earthlings; Soon you will start to see changes in your climate, your sky's light will change from what you know as blue, it will brighten to pure light and will finish with darkness as your resource's activity is increased. Artificial light can be created from the combustion of matter, you will learn this skill and develop technology to cater for all your light requirements and more! Your sea levels will rise with the melting of the captured water within the ice caps that we need for our processes. New structures will be built to house you and your requirements during this stage of your resources activity. With time all water on your Earth will be used by our applications but will be replaced with an alternative substance. Water is the only non re-creatable resource within Space, water as a resource is limited in quantity as is Space it's self. Even accelerating beyond time or bending Space, water can not be re-used. We do not know how much water there is but we know there is more to be sourced from planets in your own solar system and other regions and clusters. Water is even found at the very core of a planet and can be extracted by subjecting the planet to intense reverse gravity, for you to understand think of a soaked sponge in compression. Your temperatures in both extremes will change, but in the reverse, your winters will be warmer and your summers will be colder until finally your resources temperature will become constant, this temperature will depend on your Orbs life span and it's current age. Life on your planet can and will continue under these changes but not as you know it, with your development teachings you will learn of a new life, a more powerful and harmonious life.

Obviously your current food stocks and types will not be able to adapt to these changes so their genetic make-up will be collected for future growth. You will learn of new foods and will be able to use new methods of consumption and your physical dietary requirements will adapt and change to these new food types. Your current subordinate sub-human animal species also found on your resource will also not be able to survive these final changes in climate. These life types will be collected for artificial growth where they will continue to live and will thrive, even close to extinct life type will thrive, your Bengal tigers, Silver back gorillas, Pandas etc. will be bought back from their current situations and nurtured for the future. We have no intentions of harming your life types. Even extinct life types can be re-generated if their genetic data can be found although their spirits and minds already and still exist in Space.

From this message we hope you have learnt that although there will be many great changes ahead for you and for your resource these changes are unavoidable and are for the greater need and that you don't need to fear, your basic requirements will be provided for. You will understand the benefits if not now but in the future, these changes are essential as you have been unable to nurture your resource and unable to take care of your life types, not even of your fellow species.


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