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Subject: greetings earthling

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 20:11:41 +0000

we come in peace, do not be alarmed.

Our presence amongst you might cause some fear as you wont be able to see us, or with anything we interact with but communication will be of a temporal intelligence level and could cause some early confusion but with time your smaller human brains will learn to adjust and build new circuits to process this new sense.    Your brains already have the required skills to transmitt but harmoneous reception will be acquired.   Until such a time, you will just need to believe what you hear, when you hear it, and act if instructed or if required ordered to do so.

Our aims or missions as you like to refer to them as is to populate your planet with food types for distribution throughout the universe.   Your planet is ideally located for such activites and at present still has some time left in order to process our requirements.   Unfortunately this will have a detremental affect on your life but you will gain from knowledge a far higher understanding of what is right of what is real and of what matters.

Change will come fast our technology is by far superior and our understandings of the atom, dark matter, gravity and the very material that hold all in place is far more developed from your very naieve theories and methods from which you cant wander but we will change this and allow your backward minds to attain upper levels of understanding.

Some of your may falter, you may suffer from our powers but life is more and bigger than your concepts.   Some of you may try to strike back, rebel in your simple ways, resort to agression but you realise very little, this you will learn, we do not need to fear.

Change start now

This is the end of our introduction, I expect your will all need to take stock and allow your minds to open and embrace afterall tomorrow will never be the same again


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